Abraham Dürninger & Co. in Herrnhut

Umgang mit Wasser und Umweltverschmutzung 1751–1910


  • Jos Tomlow




Abraham Dürninger (1706–1773) founded a trading empire in the Moravian town of Herrnhut (Saxony, Germany) that surpassed those of the neighbouring towns in Upper Lusatia (Zittau, Löbau and Bautzen) in turnover and diversity. A bleaching facility was set up in 1751 a short distance from what was then still a village. Since 1875, the production and processing of textiles has been mechanized. Archived plans, documents and the buildings that still exist show the remarkable variety of ways in which the element of water intervened in the production process. The company, Abraham Dürninger & Co., was involved in large parts of the infrastructure development of Herrnhut (water, electricity, telephone). That is one side of this story. The effects of the production on the environment were already apparent at an early date. Clouding and pollution of the Petersbach stream was followed by loss of the fish population, and complaints arose from residents who saw their right to usable water threatened. Given its financial strength, the company reacted appropriately and used respectful and friendly language in legal correspondence. However, it was only around 1900 that it was possible to develop a water disposal system. This reduced environmental pollution, albeit without eliminating it completely. This article is finally able to detect a responsible use of water from an ecological point of view. Compared to other ‘polluters’, Abraham Dürninger & Co. acted – in the context of what was possible at the time – comprehensively.





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