Der Bezug von Johann Michael Sailer (1751–1832) zu Nikolaus Ludwig Reichs-Graf von Zinzendorf (1700–1760) und zur Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine


  • Konrad Baumgartner



The motto that governed the life and work of the famous Roman Catholic theologian and later Bishop of Regensburg Johann Michael Sailer (1751–1832) was ‘God in Christ – the salvation of the world’. This Christocentric approach characterized his many contacts with separated Christians: with Protestant and Reformed Christians, but also with Christian communities such as the Moravian Church. He especially venerated its founder Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, reading his writings, quoting them in his letters, and also recommending them to colleagues and students. Through the Stolberg-Wernigerode family he acquired detailed knowledge about this missionary and social movement. Although Sailer never visited Herrnhut, he did visit the Moravian settlement of Kleinwelka. For Sailer what was important was common friendship with Christ within the communion of saints, both now and in the consummation of all things with God. Any form of proselytism was foreign to him. Ecumenism today should be shaped and lived in such a spirit of renewed Christian togetherness. Zinzendorf and Sailer offer good pointers towards this.





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