„Gottes Geist war mächtig am Wirken“
Die Beziehungen des Volksmissionskreises Sachsen zur Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine zwischen 1945 und 1990
The Saxon People’s Mission (Volksmissionskreis Sachsen) was at the forefront of the East German charismatic movement and represented this movement within the Lutheran Church of Saxony right up to the 1980s. Influences from the Moravian Church and an orientation towards it are among the historical roots of its charismatic, churchly and liturgical spirituality. This is expressed in personal contacts with Herrnhut, as well as through orientation towards the revivalist beginnings of Moravian Pietism and, last but not least, in the adoption of Moravian structures and their transformation into charismatic concepts of the congregation.
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